
After  walking a new student outside to meet his uncle, I stopped to talk to another parent.  She asked how her son was doing.

“He is doing better and we appreciated his apology letter he read to the class today,” I replied.  She took off her sunglasses and gave me that quizzical look.  That look you recognize when you know the child didn’t tell his family. I don’t know why I started to feel guilty, he was the one who wrote “poop” on the class poster in Physical Education and he told me he would make it right.

You see, in Physical Education class, the learners were working on literacy skills and the skill of throwing a frisbee.  The learners would throw frisbees at letters to spell words.  Whatever word they spelled, they would write it down on the large class poster.  Needless to say, our class poster was not going to be hung up because three learners decided to spell words like poop.  They did explain to me that their words were not swear words.

She looked at her blonde-headed son and said, “We will talk about this when we get home.”

I immediately said how great it was that he took the initiative to write an apology note… as they walked away.

I could only imagine what the conversation was like on their way home.



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